Moisturizer: Yes or No?

Do you use a daily moisturizer? There seem to be two main schools of thought when it comes to dry skin or just maintaining the health of your skin. One group swears by their particular moisturizer and wouldn’t be caught dead without it whether it’s cool or hot, dry or wet outside. The other group tends to view their skin care more like a “less is more” situation and they often swear by hydrating from the inside out. You might be surprised to discover that the research seems to support something of a middle ground. 

First, we know that drinking water is important. In order for the body to function and for all of the cleansing systems within the body to work, you have to have water. Not only is water the mechanism by which toxins and impurities are purged from the body but just about every rejuvenating bodily function also relies on water. Even the construction of new cells relies heavily on water to work as epithelial cells (and most cells, period) are made up of more than 70% water. It makes sense then that hydrating the body would go a long way to taking care of the body’s largest organ, a.k.a. the skin. Many celebrities call heavy water intake their secret weapon when it comes to great skin. 

However, there is something to be said about a topical moisturizer as well! Mainly this: Moisturizer is capable of trapping water that would otherwise leave the skin, against the skin, allowing the skin to absorb more of it and rehydrate. That is the main function of a moisturizer. You may be wondering about all the vitamin enhancers and mineral containing creams but most of those ingredients don’t survive sun exposure or they start to break down as soon as they hit the air. The true value of moisturizer is to serve as a vehicle for bringing and trapping water against the absorbent surface of your skin. That’s basically it. After that it is mainly a matter of preference or need. Some of us have sensitive skin so something with chemical fragrances or harsh additional ingredients is not going to be a great choice. Additionally, for someone with psoriasis or another skin condition, there might be a need for a medicinal ingredient, typically prescribed by a doctor. 

At the end of the day, researchers and dermatologists seem to agree that drinking water and staying hydrated is an excellent idea for the health of your skin and a simple moisturizer won’t hurt.