Hemp and Sustainable Agriculture with Dr. Heather Grab

Meet Dr. Heather Grab! Dr. Grab is a Senior Lecturer at Cornell University within the School of Integrated Plant Science and an expert on all things Hemp as well as the importance of species diversity and sustainable agriculture. She has the privilege of teaching courses focused on hemp production and processing which are part of Cornell’s broader hemp curriculum which also covers regulations, industry trends, breeding, and the pharmacology of Cannabis. In addition to teaching, she also mentors students who are focusing on hemp in Cornell’s Agriculture and Life Sciences professional Masters program.

Resources and Links:

Dr. Heather Grab's: Website | Linked In | Cornell Profile

Andrei Galic's Project

Heather Grab: Hemp Processing Systems Video

Dr. Heather Grab's Google Scholar Profile

Running and Writing in the Heart of D.C. with Katherine Ellen Foley

Katherine Ellen Foley is an accomplished health and science reporter currently covering the FDA for POLITICO, a news and information company focused on international and domestic politics and policy. She is also a co-leader of The November Project, a fitness community spanning the globe that focuses on morning movement including running and fun, all-levels friendly workouts. Katherine was a pleasure to interview and if you enjoy this episode, head on over to the CPA resource page to find a few more interviews with Katherine!

Social Links:

IG: @katherineellenfoley | TW: @katherineefoley

Featured Articles by Katherine*

CDC wants to monitor poop - States aren't all on board

Fertility treatment opening doors for queer families

Direct to consumer genetic testing

How direct genetic testing failed people of color

*Several of these articles require a Quartz subscription but if you'd like to read more of Katherine's work for free, check out: scrapfacts.substack.com

The November Project

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NovProject

Instagram: @novemberproject | Katherine's NPDC @novemberprojectdc

John Venardos on The Supplement Industry

On this episode of Edible Insights, learn from career government compliance executive, John Venardos, as he dives into what he believes the regulation of the supplement industry is lacking today and gives us details on what we can do as consumers to push this industry into a safer future.  John has over 30 years of experience in the wellness industry and is currently a global regulatory and government affairs consultant. He also serves on a leadership committee for SummaForte, a CBD company specializing in high performance products for gamers. Is the regulation of our supplement industry currently in shambles? Find out in this podcast!

Leah Segedie and The MAMVATION Movement

This episode has been published and can be heard everywhere your podcast is available.

Meet Leah Segedie, the founder and CEO of MAMAVATION, an educational blog-based community centered around the edification and protection of mothers and their families! Leah Segedie is an activist and consumer advocate working hard to make the lives of mothers everywhere safer and easier. She's doing the research on products and consumables we all use everyday (and the companies that make them) so that you don't have to. Tune in to learn more! 

Episode Resources: 

MAMAVATION Website: https://www.mamavation.com/



Leah's Social Media Quick Links:

Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube

Thoughts for Food with Mitchell Weinberg, CEO

In this episode of Edible Insights, we are joined by Mitchell Weinberg, CEO of INSCATECH, a food investigation firm that specializes in combatting global food fraud. Mitchell is an food fraud expert and shared with us a little of his experience and recommendations as we combat this issue on a global scale. 

Episode Resources: 

Mitchell's email: Mitchellweinberg@inscatech.com

Mitchell's website: https://www.inscatech.com

Honey Certification Program: https://www.genuhoney.com

INSCATECH Certified Partner for Pure Honey: valorhoney.org

A Balanced Approach

In this episode of Edible Insights, we are joined by Doctor of Physical Therapy, Jill Zollinger, as we talk about a balanced approach to obtaining and maintaining our health and wellbeing. Jill practices in Chattanooga, Tennessee at her own clinic, Moondog Therapy and can be found online at Moondogtherapy.com. She specializes in lifestyle medicine as well as practicing traditional physical therapy and has perfected the utilization of both in treating patients beyond the realm of rehabilitation. 


Exclusive - Joint Health Report

Jill's Website - Moondogtherapy.com