Katherine Ellen Foley

Running and Writing in the Heart of D.C. with Katherine Ellen Foley

Katherine Ellen Foley is an accomplished health and science reporter currently covering the FDA for POLITICO, a news and information company focused on international and domestic politics and policy. She is also a co-leader of The November Project, a fitness community spanning the globe that focuses on morning movement including running and fun, all-levels friendly workouts. Katherine was a pleasure to interview and if you enjoy this episode, head on over to the CPA resource page to find a few more interviews with Katherine!

Social Links:

IG: @katherineellenfoley | TW: @katherineefoley

Featured Articles by Katherine*

CDC wants to monitor poop - States aren't all on board

Fertility treatment opening doors for queer families

Direct to consumer genetic testing

How direct genetic testing failed people of color

*Several of these articles require a Quartz subscription but if you'd like to read more of Katherine's work for free, check out: scrapfacts.substack.com

The November Project

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NovProject

Instagram: @novemberproject | Katherine's NPDC @novemberprojectdc