Running and Writing in the Heart of D.C. with Katherine Ellen Foley

Katherine Ellen Foley is an accomplished health and science reporter currently covering the FDA for POLITICO, a news and information company focused on international and domestic politics and policy. She is also a co-leader of The November Project, a fitness community spanning the globe that focuses on morning movement including running and fun, all-levels friendly workouts. Katherine was a pleasure to interview and if you enjoy this episode, head on over to the CPA resource page to find a few more interviews with Katherine!

Social Links:

IG: @katherineellenfoley | TW: @katherineefoley

Featured Articles by Katherine*

CDC wants to monitor poop - States aren't all on board

Fertility treatment opening doors for queer families

Direct to consumer genetic testing

How direct genetic testing failed people of color

*Several of these articles require a Quartz subscription but if you'd like to read more of Katherine's work for free, check out:

The November Project


Instagram: @novemberproject | Katherine's NPDC @novemberprojectdc