In the News: The Latest in PFAS

The talk about PFAS grows as this administration pushes for EPA action regarding PFAS in the environment and regulations in manufacturing. We are still waiting to see what specific measures the EPA is prepared to make, especially as large companies like DuPont and 3M push back.

In the News: The Rising Cost of Groceries

The Cost of food is skyrocketing here in the US and this News report gives a summary of why. Some of the steps needed to alleviate this problem are regulation based but others are up to the individual. Whether you believe in global warming or covid-19, both have had a dramatic impact on the work force and have exacerbated a number of concerns that have been steadily growing over the last decade. It might be time to rethink our plan for the future and decide what changes need to be made.

In the News: A TEDx Talk on Neonicotinoids

Christy Morrissey gives up a snapshot of the situation we are currently facing with neonicotinoids. Watch and listen to what the birds and bugs are telling us. They know of a better way! We can tell there is a problem. We’ve heard the cries of “It’s safe.” before with DDT and Roundup. What should we do when it seems like the cycle of reporting and generating change will never end? Check out the suggestions in this video and leave a comment below if you can think of another way to move us forward instead of back.

In the News: Advice for the Careful Consumer from Attorney Mina


Pandemic Advice from Attorney Mina

Why It Is More Important Now, During A Pandemic, Than Ever To Know Your Products.

The Original title of our featured piece is “Why It Is More Important Now, During A Pandemic, Than Ever To Know Your Products, From Attorney Mina, Founder Of The Law Office Of Mohaimina Haque PLLC.”

Check out a short except and link to the full article below!

Living a health-conscious lifestyle is a way of life for many, and there are literally millions of products out there that people use to keep themselves healthy. When COVID-19 hit in early 2020 concern with being healthy became front and center for a large part of the world's population. As more and more information on research was done on the virus, more and more products hit the markets claiming to treat, prevent, or cure COVID-19. Attorney Mina Haque, founder of the Law Office of Mohaimina Haque PLLC wants people to know why it is especially important during the pandemic to know more about the products one is using to stay healthy.


Attorney Mina Haque is based in Washington, D.C. and works everyday to provide her clients with the legal protection and life advice they need to survive and thrive in today’s new normal.

During the pandemic, it’s more imperative than ever to have the right dietary supplement as consumers fall into the frenzy of products claiming to prevent or cure COVID. Consumers should be more vigilant now to know the products they are taking.
— Attorney Mina

In the News: Forever Chemicals

Forever Chemicals Made the News this week on ABC!

ABC News covers the growing concerns over PFAS as independent testing discovers unregulated PFAS in 49 of the 50 U.S. States. This plant in Tucson, Arizona unexpectedly shutdown after discovering that their PFAS levels where hundreds of times the recommended standard suggested by the EPA. Also known as “Forever Chemicals,” PFAS are currently unregulated by the EPA and have been linked to cancer, liver damage, low infant birth weight, adverse effects on the immune system, and thyroid hormone disruption.

Check out the full ABC News article here.

In the News: Food Fraud

Here is an overview of some of the larger food fraud cases from around the world!

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The Spanish Civil Guard seized 15 tons of mislabeled grapes that were not organic as advertised. They were bound for Spain and France.

10 tons of lollipops and candies were seized in Indian for being adulterated with talcum powder

Bulgaria’s National Potatoes Growers Association found French and German potatoes mislabeled as Bulgarian which allowed them to be sold for double their actually market value.

Italy seized more than two tons of cheese and 100 kg of tomatoes lacking documentation and in violation of hygiene standards.

Also in Italy, two companies were caught mislabeling apple juice as organic when it was made with expired fruit. The fraud was valued as 5 million euros in value.

The Jordan Food and Drug Administration seized 27 tons of powdered milk and cheese with falsified nutrition labels that were unfit for human consumption.

For more Food Fraud cases, check out this list from the European Commission earlier this year!

Food a review of the biggest cases from 2020, click here!