Exercises you can do at your desk!

Here are two sample workouts from Healthline that you can do at your desk!

Sample 5-minute workout

Perform each exercise one after the other, without rest between exercises. Do one set of each exercise.

  1. Desk pushups: 20 reps

  2. Seated knee-to-chest: 10 reps

  3. Squats: 10 reps

  4. Desk plank: 30 seconds

  5. Seated flutter kicks: 10 reps on each side

  6. Romanian deadlifts: 10 reps

  7. Jumping jacks: 20 reps

Sample 10-minute workout

Perform each exercise one after another without resting in between. After doing all six exercises, rest for 1 minute before repeating the routine a second time.

  1. Leg lifts: 10 reps on each side

  2. Wall sit: 30 seconds

  3. Seated shoulder press: 10 reps on each side

  4. Marching: 20 reps on each side

  5. Biceps curls: 10 reps on each side

  6. Side lunges: 10 reps on each side

Click here to see all 30 desk exercises and mix and match them to make your own personal workout! Remember, the most important thing is that you get up and move every 30 minutes! Have fun with it and enjoy those health benefits!