COVID-19 and The Vitamin Hype: Creative Marketing or Misrepresentation?

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Over the last year, many of us have made adjustments due to the arrival and spread of COIVD-19. Some of us have endeavored to make some more general lifestyle changes in order to combat the corona threat itself or in an effort to balance out our higher than ever average time on the couch! Jogging, hitting the gym and other outdoor activities are high on that list of changes with the adoption of supporting supplements and vitamins following right behind them. Many natural supplement companies have tried to anticipate this trend by widely proclaiming that their product will give you an additional level of protection, throwing around phrases like “boosted immune system” or “increased immunity.” This might just seem like creative marketing but unless their specific product can be backed up by thoroughly tested, scientific data, it might actually be closer to a blatant misrepresentation. The NAD has already pinpointed a number of companies who were unable to show a measurable increase in an individual’s protection, or in some cases, any scientific data to support their claim at all! As a consumer, it’s more important that ever to be aware and wary of companies that promise protection without proof!

Check out the NAD article here.