Enhanced Water or Enhanced Hype?

We’ve talked about clean water free of PFASs and heavy metals. We know that these things can build up in the body and cause a wide spectrum of health issues. However, what about water with a little…extra? Enhanced water has become so popular over the last few years. Everything from flavored water as some try to escape what they consider the height of boredom or consuming a mostly flavorless beverage several times a day, to “enhanced” water with additives such as vitamins and/or minerals sometimes added to effect the pH of the water in question. Is there any benefit to these additions? 

Well, as one might imagine, the addition of flavors isn’t particularly beneficial in and of itself. Adding sugar also undercuts the consumption of pure water to some extent. However, if it encourages one to drink a significantly higher amount of water, it most likely does not undercut the entire benefit. Just be sure that any flavor additives do not contain the chemicals and contaminants we have so far been so careful to clean and keep out of our water. Also, flavors that claim to be sugar free might do even more harm as they are often full of artificial sweeteners used to mask the lack of flavor. It might be much safer to add a few drops of lemon or lime juice to your water if you need to have some flavor. A whole fruit infusion might be a nice compromise as well!

As for vitamins and minerals, it really depends on the specific additives themselves and if they are accompanied by the same problematic ingredients as flavored water. For example, the popular brand Vitamin Water, owned by Coca Cola, contains as much sugar in some of its flavored waters as you might find in a can of cola! In some ways, this is even more problematic than coke because many people consume this product believing they are drinking something good for them. They may not control their consumption or be mindful of their intake in the same way they might with soda.

In contrast, there is some evidence that mineral water containing high amounts of calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, potassium and sodium sulfate has a positive impact on the heart, lowering LDL cholesterol and raising the HDL levels! It’s also been noted to lower the blood pressure and improve circulation. It is thought that Americans do not get the recommended amount of magnesium on a daily basis and mineral water can be a good source of magnesium. Additionally, if it is high in calcium, this is thought to support bone health. Overall mineral water seems to land in the positive category health-wise though some people do not enjoy the taste. 

At the end of the day, it is important to not only consume clean water, but to consistently consume water that is free from harmful or problematic additives. If your water has just as much sugar as a coke, you might be missing the mark a little bit. If you are looking for some added benefits, mineral water might be your best option!