Healthy Habits for the Holidays!

The holidays are rolling in and everyone is wondering what that’s going to look like with covid and the flu looming in the background. You might feel like all of that is out of your control but there are some small things we can all do that make a big difference! We might not be able to help you arrange your travel plans or survive TSA after securing your Thanksgiving PTO but we can help you mitigate the strain red eye travel and staying with your in-laws might put on your body. 

There is a lot of advice floating around out there but we’ve picked our favorite pieces and given you our top highlights here. These are simple steps we can all do to stay well. 

  1. Stay hydrated. This is a rule for everyday life as well as the holiday season but it's even more important when your body is dealing with additional stress. Traveling or just the blur of holiday plans can be exhausting. Make sure you are giving your body what it needs to purge any unwanted toxins weighing you down.  

  2. Prioritize your sleep. This is a hard one but if you are able, sticking as close to your normal sleep schedule will help you balance out those additional stressors on a hormonal level. Sleep not only helps maintain you energy level and brain function so you can tackle the challenges of the holidays but it also keeps your cortisol levels in check!

  3. Don’t forget exercise. You might be tempted to just put your entire workout regime on hold once you start getting busy but even a reduced exercise regimen is better than nothing! Make sure you set aside some time to take a walk or stretch. Once the rush is over, it will be so much easier to pick your regular workout schedule back up if you don’t completely quit for two months!

  4. Enjoy the food in moderation. This is a good rule of thumb for everyday life as well but while you enjoy the holiday favorites, don’t buy into the “stuffed as the Thanksgiving turkey” mindset. Listen to your body and let the only thing overly full of stuffing be the bird. 

  5. Drink responsibly. This one is more about the impact alcohol has on other parts of your body. Alcohol can impact your ability to get quality sleep (yes, even when it makes you sleep) as your body works to metabolize it. We also know that alcohol can have a negative effect on the endocrine system which helps to regulate the immune system as well as the regulation of your hormones overall. Best practice is to give yourself a margin between drinking and going to bed so you can still get that quality sleep to offset some of the other negative impacts of alcohol. 

  6. Practice Excellent Hygiene! We can’t stress this one enough. As you travel from place to place or just spend a little more time in several different grocery stores to get the kind of pickles your great aunt likes and the only brand of cranberry sauce your son will eat, make sure you wash your hands and limit touching your face! Even if you have sworn off of public bathrooms, there’s no way to know if the person before you has and washed their hands before using your cart. Wash off the world before preparing food or eating!

  7. Make a little time for yourself! Last but not least, make sure that you set aside some time for yourself. This is a time of group plans and social engagements but don’t forget to take a little time for yourself. Journal, do some yoga, or just touch some grass. Do something to just decompress from all the rush about. It will help your stress level and allow your to continue to do without being done in. Self care for the win!

We hope you enjoy this holiday season whether you are able to head home or connect with those you love, or if you are splitting a TV dinner special with your cat. Prioritizing you health as we head into the end of this year is paramount! Happy holiday everyone!


Rachdaoui, N., & Sarkar, D. K. (2013). Effects of alcohol on the endocrine system. Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America, 42(3), 593–615.