fermented foods

Fermented & Healthy

We’ve talked in a previous article about the health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics. We know that staying healthy requires maintaining a healthy microbiome. We also know that you can get legitimate supplements to supply both but the best way is really through your balanced diet. One of the best sources of pre- and probiotics is fermented food. Anything like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, or even beverages like kombucha or kefir will provide some level of probiotics! These are things that are regularly consumed around the world and now we are seeing the value beyond their unique flavors and umami filled tastes. In addition, it is also important to consume prebiotic foods! Some of these include garlic, honey, onions, chicory and resistant oligosaccharides. 

The benefits of fermented foods therefore track pretty closely with the benefit of a healthy biome with both probiotic and prebiotic support. There is a boost to cardiovascular health and the mitigation of high blood pressure. Diabetes, obesity and really anything inflammation based chronic illness benefit from the inclusion of fermented foods in one’s diet. Additionally, mental health and bone health also improve as the microbiome is supported. 

Check out this short video going over some easy to incorporate fermented foods!

Once You find a fermented food that you enjoy, getting the necessary pro-and prebiotics in you diet will be easy and natural and will be in a more absorbable form that simply taking a capsule.