Food Security

In the News: Food Activist and Philly's Golden Dragon

We get to feature some good news this morning as three activists, Jeremiah Jordan, Heidi Ratanavanich and Rachelle Faroul redefine what it means to be a food security supporting restaurant amid the current pandemic. The Golden Dragon, which closed near the beginning of the pandemic, reopened recently with these three activists as the new owners. The restaurant provides a fusion of flavors from classic Chinese dishes to American, Haitian and Thai food. From quick bites, and burgers to curry bowls and kimchi, this new spot for affordable eats keeps every meal under $10 and those who rely on food stamps are particularly welcome! The have also partnered with local business like the West Philly Bunny Hop to make sure that food is distributed even beyond the walls of their restaurant. They plan to open a food pantry as well and the restaurant has overall been a resounding success.