
In the News: Drug for Pigs Causes Cancer and is Under Review

Carbadox is a common drug used to treat swine but it’s also thought to be responsible for causing cancer. It was under investigation during the Obama administration but that review stalled out despite the drug being banned in Canada, Austrailia and the EU. That review has been picked up this week and The Counter has the details.

Read the full article here.

In the News: Toxic Ash Pits in Indiana Contaminated the Water

Indiana has the most toxic ash pits in the country. Companies dump coal ash into landfills and this ash is high in heavy metals like arsenic. After decades of allowing toxins from coal dust to leach into the water supply for the residence of Indiana, the EPA has said that they must clean it up. One company, the Northern Indiana Public Service Co. or NIPSCO is in the process of cleaning up the contaminated soil in the Town of Pines. Arsenic and other heavy metals can cause a wide range of health issues including neurological disorders and various forms of cancer. Only time and testing with tell how this poor business practice has impacted the long-term health of Indiana’s residence.