
In the News: Goodbye to American's Favorite Good Fat?

You might remember when buying an Avocado didn’t require taking out a personal loan. You could pick up an avocado for well under a dollar and a bag of four or five for a few dollars more. Now, you can count yourself lucky if you manage to get one for less than a $1.50 or even $2. This is pretty bad but it’s probably about to get a whole lot worse. The U.S. just banned avocado trade with Mexico due to uncomfortable pressure on product inspectors. Michoacán is the only Mexican state allowed to export avocados to the U.S. and apparently a number of other states tried to illegally export their own fruit to the States. This cause border inspectors to investigate and ultimately to shut down the trade completely when they found the illegal shipments and faced negative push back from the states responsible. We hope this ban will be temporary as Michoacán provides more than 80% of our avocados!

Read the original article in The Business Insider Here.