Vitamin C

Vitamin C Mega Loads: Are They Worth Anything?

Each year when the flu rolls around a lot of us reach for our favorite way to try and boost our immune systems. A popular one especially among the elementary and high school population is Emergen-C or similar products comprised of huge doses of Vitamin C. Now, while we’d never tell you not to take something that you are getting some benefit from, it’s important to note that the recommended amount of Vitamin C for men and women is between 75 and 90 mg. Now, if you have a deficiency, taking more may be beneficial for you but the average person will simply excrete any excess Vitamin C during their next trip to the bathroom. Is Vitamin C even essential then? Let’s see. 

According to the National Institute of Health, Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, L-carnitine (which is instrumental in the production of energy within the cell), a variety of neurotransmitters and the metabolism of protein. It is also thought to give some protection against free radicals and the damage they cause. Damage that often leads to diseases like cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Free radicals can be caused by a variety of environmental sources. Sunlight, air pollution, or even something intentional like smoking, can cause free radicals that can cause damage to the cells as they seek to stabilize pirating electrons within the body. Antioxidants like Vitamin C are capable of neutralizing this process and counteracting the damage free radicals cause. 

So, Vitamin C might not be a quick fix to preventing the flu or the common cold but it does support the immune system overall and facilitate healing within the body. It also helps to mitigate environmental damage and protect us from developing the chronic illnesses commonly developed from the buildup of free radicals. 

Additionally, there is some evidence that Vitamin C is most effective when combined with other nutrients such as Zinc or in the case of skin health, Vitamin E. We could obviously take a number of supplements to get a suitable amount of these nutrients everyday but the best way to gain all the benefits from these vitamins and minerals is to eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is also water soluble and may be undercut by processing or even cooking some foods so the best way to get the most potent dose of Vitamin C is to include a number of raw fruits and veggies in your daily diet. Bottom line, Vitamin C is foundational to good health but isn’t a flu time cure. However, prioritizing it year round may allow your body to deal with any sickness more easily and with great efficiency! Eat well!


Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview

Understanding antioxidants - Harvard Health

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Sick This Semester

The Benefits of Vitamin C 

Vitamin C - Health Professional Fact Sheet