In the News: Burger King joins the group of international restaurants banning PFAS

Bugger King joins Popeyes and Tim Hortons in their move to phase out all PFAS contained in packaging. As more and more legislation trickles down, we expect that Burger King will not be the last major chain to make the shift to safer food packaging before they are required to do so.

Check out the full article by Toxic Free Future here.

In the News: Maine, a snapshot of the PFAs crisis

Main is giving the whole country an idea of what the PFAS crisis can look like when it takes an agricultural community by surprise. They are also a good example of how to handle the news that you are dealing with years and years of contaminated homes and crops.

Check out the full story here.

In the News: Microsplastics in Seafood

The global seafood supply is struggling under the weight of yet another class of contaminants. Not only are we struggling with the realization that our seafoods might be filled with micro and nanoplastics but that challenge is now complicated by the reality that even fish as remote are those in the artic sea are contaminated with PFAS. Between nanoplastics and PFAS, what is the seafood industry facing as it seek to provide clean food?

Read the full article here!

In the News: Stain-Proof, Water-Proof, PFAS

PFAS is dominating the News as an analysis of popular brand names claiming to be stain or water resist reveals 75% percent of them contain PFAS. An excerpt from article found in “The Guardian” had this to say:

When you have these products indoors, depending on how many PFAS treated products you have, there will be high levels of PFAS in your indoor air.

The chemicals also can also be absorbed through the skin and are a problem for workers in textile factories, where researchers have found high exposure rates.

This from Erika Schreder, a co-author of this study and the Science Director of Toxic Free Future. Toxic Free Future is based in Seattle and you can check them and the work that they do out here.